Friday, October 14, 2005


Riding towards the moon

There it shone, above everything
The dark sky bore it, with pride.
Hiding behind clouds, majestically mysterious.
I rode towards it, engines roaring,
Heart soaring, hopes brightning
It was like flying, the breeze cutting my face
The faster i rode, the farther it seemed
Gleaming, it mocked at me
" try not what you cannot mortal,
Limited by imagination you are, beyond that I am
Its radiance seemed to blossom,
Outshadowed desire and passion,
Beauty and limitlless compassion.
The darkness of the night disappeared
From beneath the clouds it reappeared
I realised from where the glow emanated
From deep within myself was the light
Closed my eyes to behold the sight
The tyres of my bike not aground
I knew I would reach it, mortal as I am.....

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